Runtime reconfiguration of a token ----------------------------------------- The token configuration of sysmask supports runtime reconfiguration, that is, if you modify some files in the token directory (open, exec, call, socket), the modification applies to all running processes with that token, without restarting them. The effect of the modification will not appear as soon as you save the file. This is because configuration files are cached in the daemon smkd, and there is a latency of a few seconds before the cached file is compared with the disk version. This latency is even a bit longer for user configurations, as in this case there is also a mechanism to prevent cache refreshment saturation attacks from the user's side. Of course, runtime reconfiguration means that you must take care in your modifications. If you make it wrong, the running processes may start to behave erratically, and you may have to restart them after correcting the errors. The default mask of the token cannot be reconfigured on runtime. If you modify the mask file of the token, you will have to restart the process for it to take effect.